I consider my leadership skills to be one of my greatest strengths. During my time at Grambling State University I was able to use my leadership skills while helping out with SGA as well as in my community service organization; The Society of Distinguished Black Women, Inc.
I often struggle with delegating and choose to take on a larger workload to ensure that a task is completed perfectly. This ends up putting more stress on me. Asking for help is a challenge for me.
I have to say that my strongest attribute is resiliency. From an early age I've had to overcome. My greatest test happened to me recently. My children and I lost all of our possessions in the remnants of Hurricane Ida. We haven't let that stop our mission. We took a couple steps back, but the come back will be even greater!
When I think about the tactics that I want to implement in my life I always keep in mind the same three. The first being always lead with a grateful heart. I never want to get to the point I forget to be grateful for all I have. Second always trust in myself. I have that inner voice and lead with it. Lastly always keep a positive attitude. I want to look for the good in all things.